A Moment of Introspection

I watched the couple as they entered the dining room; obviously senior citizens. He guided her to the buffet and showed her the stack of plates on the end. I was impressed by the awareness they seemed to have of each other. She indicated she wanted to check out the dessert choices before joining the queue and reminded him to pick up his salad plate. He ladled a serving of soup into a bowl and handed it to her. They’ve probably been married a long time.

With his hands holding plates of food, he used his body to push open the glass door leading out onto the patio. She passed through, placed her plate on the table, and came back to hold the door for him. He pulled her chair back for her and adjusted it as she sat down.

They simultaneously bowed their heads and prayed.

They seemed delighted with their young female server. She briefly lingered at their table when she brought their drinks, recognizing their need to tell her they were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They no doubt wanted to say more, but she was understandably busy.

They chatted occasionally throughout the meal, but mostly ate in comfortable silence. She usually had to repeat her statements, leaning forward and speaking louder. Yet, she never seemed annoyed.

After dinner, neither of them seemed anxious to leave. They sat in contemplation, watching the kaleidoscope of sunset, each lost in personal thought. Then, as if on cue, they both reached across the table for the other’s hand. She tenderly stroked his gold wedding band, her chin propped in her other hand. 

I found myself wondering what they were thinking.


Had the past fifty years flown by for them?

Did they compare themselves to other couples in the same season of life?

Did they have regrets?

Were they hiding fears of the future? 

Were they wondering how many more anniversaries they would celebrate together?


Eventually they rose to leave. I couldn’t resist letting my eyes follow them, when I suddenly realized they were coming toward me. 

And in that moment I recognized them.

He reached for the glass door, held it open for her, and we morphed into the reflection as we exited the dining room.
